Last night while dad was grilling out on the porch, me, little britches and our dog pack attacked the wood bees that come every summer. With little britches manning a tennis racket and Sadie being the kill dog when little britches knocked one down, me and Blazer teamed up. Mean while, Mick lays under the porch swing, he's too sophisticated for this stuff! ;-) Little Britches swings, and clips the bee, knocking it to the ground long enough for Sadie to attack it, biting and shaking it. Sadie almost secedes in killing it until she throws it out of her mouth and sends it flying across the yard and takes off chasing it. Me and Blazer set on the porch steps enjoying the sight of a 6 year old country girl and a 4 month old hound chase a wood bee around the yard. Then a wood bee hits me in the back of the head and Blazer and Mick come to my rescue! I hit the bee, and all of the dogs attack the almost dead bee. Sadie, thinking that the bee went in the flower pot with my half dead geraniums in it, bites my poor flowers. Finally, all the dogs located the bee and proceed to fight over the bee until the only thing left of the bee is one wing and a couple of legs!hahahaha
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