Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A trip to Aunt Thressa's

Yesterday we went to aunt Thressa's house.  Take a look at her flowers, ain't they beautiful?!:)

 And there's a Mockingbird nest in her grape vine with some little eggs in it!


It's still the pools fault.....

Ok, so it's the pools fault annnnd we've been cleaning the house/yard for the 4th of July annnnd I've been busy with stuff outside!  There, is that a good enough excuse?!haha
Anyways, every evening when I go out to feed the horses, these frogs are always setting on the horse's water tank.....

There's three of them, but this one really likes to have his picture taken!haha
But Hippie Chick and Blake don't seem to like it when I take pictures of frogs instead of feeding them!

Fine, I'll just turn the light off so you can't see then!
They think they're starving to death or somethin!


Thursday, June 24, 2010

It's the pool's fault......

Yes, that's it, it's our new pool's fault that I haven't posted anything in 10 days!;)  Ahh, the distractions of summer!haha But I HAVE NOT dropped off the face of the earth though!
Anywho, I'm back in action!  A couple nights ago I took these pics of 2 hounds and a Blue Heeler aka my doggies.
Mick pictures are up first....
He likes to have his picture taken!
Can you see my reflection in his eye? 
Note my stylish wardrobe......  
Now this one is blurry, washed out, all that bad stuff, but it's funny!

Time for ol Blazer!
Sadie was coming after him and he was getting ready to run!haha

Blazer, pick your head up and look at the camera please....
Thank you Blazer.....
Blazer leave the fly alone and pose!
Thank you Blazer
Ok, so I finally gave up on taking pictures of Blazer and started taking some of the baby of the bunch, Sadie
Show dog...
On point...

So there, I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, I've just dropped into a pool!  Which reminds me, I'm goin swimming!!hahahahaha

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Swimming Buffalo

The other day, while out riding around, I took these pics of some buffalo swimming/wading around in a pond....

For more pics, look at the post I did on my other blog here:  Gone Swimmin---Buffalo Style

 Thanks for Lookin'
 Josie of the Prairie

Gone Swimmin'---Buffalo Style

The other day, me and dad went riding around in the jeep with one brake(yes, we've upgraded from no brakes to one brake!) and saw a bunch of buffalo swimming and wading around in a pond.......

 And of course the babies had to swim to!haha
 This baby was chowin down on some yummy cattails.... 


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Time Joys and Tonka Toys

All this past week and the week before and the week before that, dad has been working on his "Tonka Toy".  Dad's Tonka Toy is a bobbed off military deuce and a half.  The main purpose of building this toy is to have something to play in mud holes in.  This will defiantly go through the mud holes!!!  
Anywho, this morning, me and dad went out in search of a mud hole to play in, we found one!(Yes, I like to play in the mud too!)  Here's some pics of the Tonka Toy after we got back home!
This one is my favorite....
I love this stuff!  Oh the Summer Time Joys and Tonka Toys!!:)
