Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Blamin' all of my roots, I showed up in boots"*New boots + Announcement*

Looky what came in the mail yesterday....

A brand spankin' new pair of Twisted X boots, just for me!:)  
The tops are 17" tall, and with me being only 5'5, they come clear up to my knees! 
 I L-O-V-E them!

As for the Announcement, I am announcing that I have an announcement......hang on that doesn't sound right. Let's try it again, I'm announcing that I have a couple new projects that I'm going to start doing here on the blog. 
 #1 will be sort of a "Cowgirl Couture"(so to speak), but that's still in the works, so it'll be another couple weeks before I launch it.  

#2 is "My Daily Snapshot".  My whole big plan for that is to post a picture, everyday.  I'll start that on Jan. 1st 2011.   

So there's the big Announcements!  I think "announcement" is my new favorite word, annooouuuuncement, oh I have a annoooouuu---ok I'll stop. 

Have a great Wednesday everyone!:)
