The Cast:
Little Britches(little sister)
Me, Josie, the picture taker, gun packer/shooter, fishin poll fetcher, the hook-taker-outter for when mama or little britches catches a fish and everything in between!
The Crew:
Blake, the horse with the ugly head.
Boogie, dad's little bit more bigger dun mare.
Tonto, my lil paint horse
Beauregard a.k.a Bo, the mini donkey who is wider than he is tall.
Mick my blue heeler/border collie pooch who came from a garage sale for the price of .50 cents.
Blazer our big, dumb hound.
Sadie my little baby, who is spoiled rotten!
I kinda sorta like animals if ya couldn't tell!
Oh and there's 150+ head of buffalo in the trap by my house and over 2,400 head of 'em out in the big pastures!