Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Picture Effects

Today I played with the fall pictures that I took a couple days ago.  I use Corel Paint Shop Pro and there's lots of different effects that you can use.  First, this is what the original picture looked like:

Next, here's the same picture with different effects on it:

Pretty cool, huh?!

Thanks for Lookin'

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oklahoma Fall

I love this time of year.  Last week we finally got a killing frost now all the trees are turning colors.
God sure can paint a pretty picture, huh?

Now in this last one, if you look real close, there's a deer standing in the big grass.  Can you see him????

Thanks for Lookin'

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Clearing our Hunting Road......

Sunday, Dad took me and my little sister to the woods to clear a road that we use when we are hunting.
It had been a couple of years ago when it was last cleared, so it was pretty grown up!
The trees had blocked most of the road, so it was not real easy to get down through it.
This is what it looked like before we cleared it:

And here's what it looked like about 30 minutes later:

Lot's better, huh?
Now we're just waiting on this weekend, first doe hunt of the year!
Then it's deer meat on the smoker!!!! Yuuuuummmmmy!
The blind is going up tomorrow and we'll probably go shoot my gun this evening........
And in the words of Miranda Lambert (My favorite country singer) "But I just got the first buck doe of the season"

Thanks for Lookin'

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It's Rainin', it's Pourin'

Last night, we had a round of rain come through, so this morning I tucked my jeans into my boots, hunted for 20 minutes for my rain coat and then remembered that it was in the Blazer that was parked out under the barn.
Finally I found my OSU umbrella and outside into the rain I went.  
This was what I saw:

Carport was flooded because of this:

Around to the porch I went,
Old Glory was a little damp, but she's still wavin'!

Mick came out of the dog box..

But Blazer didn't...

The horses don't care in less I'm carrying a coffee can of feed...
Food, did somebody say FOOD??

Yeah, got your attention that time, huh?
The rain flooded the horse trap, too,
and I had a pond under my porch..

From the look of these clouds and the sound of thunder, I bet we'll have more than 2 inches before the day is over.

Oh well, rainy days are good for Blogging, I think I set a new world record, 2 blogs in one day!

*Update*  1:45PM.  1 1/2 inches of rain since 12:30PM
There is a river running through my carport.....

Thanks for Lookin'

Evening in the Deer Blind

This is a Country Girl's idea for fun.  Last Saturday, we went to a Garage Sale and found this Ameristep deer hunting blind for $25.00. Buy of the day, don't ya think? I even have my very own guard dog!

And since we feed the deer right outside our yard fence, I decided to set it up and see if I could get some pictures.
And of course, my little sister, Jennie, had to come out with me.  So, here we go with 2 iPods, 2 extra jackets and her Care-Bear blanket.  After about 20 minutes, she's starting to get bored, so she brakes out the iPod with her Hannah Montana movie on it.  Not long after Jennie get's good and comfy, here comes the deer.

Meet Ethel, Lucy and little Ricky! ;)
(We have to name all of our deer!)

Between the horses running, the blind waving in the wind, Jennie talking and me telling her to be quiet, I'm surprised that we had any deer come in at all!
But low and behold, here they come...

In just about 10 minutes, we had 15 deer feeding right outside our blind!

Didn't take long for the bucks to start coming in.
We've the little wide buck....

And Fork.....

And Bubba, ain't he somethin'?

Here comes something worth taking a picture of, Ol' Spotty.

Spotty has spots(Couldn't tell by his name, could ya?) Spotty has LOTS and LOTS of spots..

And Spotty sure does like his corn, just look at that belly!

We had fun and I got a lot of good pictures!

Thanks for Lookin'