I was bound and determined to get up on time to see the first sunrise of 2012 this morning! So with the alarm on my phone set for 7:00am, I went to bed at 10:00 last night, bidding 2011 G.O.O.D.B.Y.E!
My alarm went off on time and I jumped up, threw some clothes on and went out in door with my camera in hand. I was a little early but that gave me time to
pester pet the horses...well I did once I convinced them to come to me...
But eventually, they got tired of listening to my persistent whistling and they came to me
Doc evidently was feeling un-sociable.

Blake the show horse!
Show horse again + donkey ear
By that time, we were all getting bored but thankfully the sun was starting to come up over the horizon so that gave me something to take pictures of besides ol Show Horse
They thought I needed help...
The very first sunrise of 2012!
And now for 100(not really) pictures of Doc looking all glow-y with the sun behind him:
And Bo looking a bit ticked off for whatever reason...
My beautiful world + Blake + a donkey ear. Again.
Got ol Blake in his cross-hairs;)
He was mad that there was nothing in it besides mud. That little jerk had packed that trough all the way from the barn, down the driveway and off into a mud hole...no wonder I couldn't find it!
He's oh-so photogenic.
And a picture that left me scratching my head after I took it...
WHY is there a empty egg shell on the fence? I probably don't even wanna know...