Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Day in the woods

**This post ain't got any pictures, just a funny story!**
Yesterday, me, mama and my sister took Blazer and Sadie to the creek/woods.  While Blazer loves to run, chase birds, try to figure out how he could catch one of those big buzzards that live in the bluff down in the creek bottom and wade in the creek , Sadie is just starting to figure out this country livin' stuff, you know, what things are good to eat like Buffalo poop, dead bugs, ham bones, all that good stuff.  Something else that she hasn't learned to do is swim. While down at the creek, me and my sister spotted a old bone in the creek(Now remember, both of us are homeschooled and simple things like that excite us), well the bone is out 'bout 6 or 7 feet in the water, to far to reach and to far(and to cold) of me to wade out in there and get it.  So what to do?  Ah ha, I remember that there's one of those little 3 prong garden digging tools in the truck, now if there's a piece of rope..... and sure 'nuff, there's some rope, now all we have to do is tye the rope to the digging tool and sortta hook the bone, HA, the first cast, I hook it!  Man, the boy scouts ain't got nothin' on me!! ;) Mean while, Sadie is chasing Blazer along the creek, well about the time I get that bone drug in, Sadie slides off into about 6 inches of water while trying to chase Blazer.  So I throw the rope down and grab Sadie by the collar.  Well the poor thing ain't having much luck breathing between the water and me dragging her out by her collar!  But we got it done!!!  She came out looking like a drowned car--er drowned dog I guess!  While I was getting Sadie out of the creek, mama and sister got the bone out.  Turns out, it was just an old deer bone.  After all that we called it a day and headed for the house.  With Sadie wrapped up in my sweat shirt, Blazer loaded up in the back, sister got real quite, which means that she was thinkin' hard on something. After a while, she spoke up and said "And you kept your cowgirl hat on the whole time!!"
Quit a day it was!
But in some ways it was just another day in the country!

Thanks for Lookin'

Monday, March 29, 2010

Here she comes!!

It was so nice outside yesterday evening, so me and Sadie went out.  I guess I'll let the pictures do the talkin'....

I think she had fun, don't ya think??!!;)


Thanks for Lookin'

Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Animal Pictures

While I haven't been blogging much, I've been taking new pictures of my horses, dogs and donkey.
First off, remember this; Spring Burning with my new "Mascot"  Well Sadie has grown a lot, see?!

Isn't this a sweet face?!

Her and Hippie Chick are buddies!;)

 Mick likes to have his picture taken!   
And Blazer likes to set up on top of the hay bale so Sadie can't chase him!hahaha

Hippie Chick.....

Blake, Boogie and Beauregard way back there.....


And me---well, my shadow that is!:)


Thanks for Lookin'

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring Burning with my new "Mascot"

Tuesday was the first day of the Spring Burns here on the Prairie.  

But before they lit the first fire of 2010, we made a little trip to town to pick up this.....
This is Sadie, she's a Beagle/Walker mix and she's the new Fire Mascot! ;)
Anyways, back to the burn...

And there was a couple of Smoke Tornados 

Meanwhile the Mascot was crashed out in my lap....

It's a hard life being a Fire Mascot!:)


Thanks for Lookin'