This is a Country Girl's idea for fun. Last Saturday, we went to a Garage Sale and found this Ameristep deer hunting blind for $25.00. Buy of the day, don't ya think? I even have my very own guard dog!
And since we feed the deer right outside our yard fence, I decided to set it up and see if I could get some pictures.
And of course, my little sister, Jennie, had to come out with me. So, here we go with 2 iPods, 2 extra jackets and her Care-Bear blanket. After about 20 minutes, she's starting to get bored, so she brakes out the iPod with her Hannah Montana movie on it. Not long after Jennie get's good and comfy, here comes the deer.
Meet Ethel, Lucy and little Ricky! ;)
(We have to name all of our deer!)

Between the horses running, the blind waving in the wind, Jennie talking and me telling her to be quiet, I'm surprised that we had any deer come in at all!
But low and behold, here they come...

In just about 10 minutes, we had 15 deer feeding right outside our blind!
Didn't take long for the bucks to start coming in.
We've the little wide buck....
And Fork.....

And Bubba, ain't he somethin'?

Here comes something worth taking a picture of, Ol' Spotty.

Spotty has spots(Couldn't tell by his name, could ya?) Spotty has LOTS and LOTS of spots..

And Spotty sure does like his corn, just look at that belly!

We had fun and I got a lot of good pictures!
Thanks for Lookin'