Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Monday, September 28, 2009

Look what a good spring burn and a little rain can do....

 Here's what you need for this recipe:

First: Fire, need lots and lots of FIRE!


After the Fire, this is what it looks like:

Then some Rain:

And this is what that fence line looks like in mid. September:

Good ol' Indian Grass and Big Bluestem!
Not a weed to be had out in this pasture!

So, there's your Science lesson for today.
Class dismissed!

Thanks for Lookin'

Friday, September 18, 2009

This ain't no Itsy, Bitsy Spider.....

This huge, hairy, CREEPY spider has decided that my front porch is his new favorite home.  This ain't no itsy, bitsy spider!!  Makes me turn on the porch lights when I go out after dark! 
Here's a couple more pictures.......


Camera Model : Canon Rebel T1I
F-Stop : F/5.6
Exposure Time :1/60 sec.
ISO Speed : ISO-200
Focal Length : 55mm. What, did you think I was gonna get close to him?!?!?
White Balance : Shade
Camera Setting : Priority
Zoom Lens Used : 18-55mm.

Thanks for Lookin'

Mama Doe and her Baby

While we were riding around this evening, we saw this young doe with her baby.  The baby still had a few spots left!  I think this doe is one that comes in to feed by our house in the evening, so she was probably on her way down here when we came across her.  And since she was only about 1 mile away, it wouldn't be a very long walk!  I think that the baby was more concerned with the buffalo that were across the road than it was with us!  Here's some pictures that I took, wasn't it nice of her to stop and pose? ;~)


Camera Model : Canon Rebel T1I
F-Stop : F/7.1
Exposure Time : 1/125 sec.
ISO Speed : ISO-200
Focal Length : 55mm
White Balance : Shade
Camera Setting : Priority
Zoom Lens Used : 18-55mm.

Thanks for Lookin'

Monday, September 14, 2009

Colors of early Fall

I took these pictures yesterday when we went riding around.  There are lots of wild flowers in bloom right now.
Here's just a few of them:
Leavenworth Eryngo (it's a kind of Thistle)  Lot's of it blooming this time of year.
Cardinal Flower, it looks kinda like Indian Paintbrush
Blue Sage
On the way home we came across a herd of buffalo in the tall grass
I think this one thought that she was hiding in the golden rod!

Camera Model : Canon Rebel T1I
F-Stop :  Misc.
Exposure Time : Misc.
ISO Speed : ISO-100
Focal Length : Misc.
White Balance : Shade
Camera Setting : Priority
Zoom Lens Used : 18-55mm.

Thanks for Lookin'

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Horses in the Morning Fog

Just took these about 15 minutes ago.  It has been really cool and foggy this morning! Makes me want to go deer hunting!!! ;)
First picture is of all 3 horses and our donkey......
Now, this is Boogie, she's not a bit camera shy!!!!
But Hippie Chick ain't to camera shy her ownself!!
And then we got the donkey, Beauregard, he just wants something to eat!
And good ol' Mick is waiting at the door for me....
To srcatch his belly!
Blazer isn't to worried about getting his belly scratched this morning.......

Thanks for Lookin'

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Spotted Buck

This is one of the bucks that come in to feed on the deer corn that we put out every night.
We've been feeding the deer for 4 years. We feed them Cattle Cake and deer corn.
This buck has came in for the last 2 years and has always had these spots on his face, but this year he has them all over his body. So, he goes by the names of Spot, Spotted buck and the Itchy buck. Here is a picture that I took last year while he was still in velvet......

And this was last fall when he was coming in to feed (I was standing at the gate about 15 feet from him!)

And this is our reward for feeding the deer, this is the same buck from the pictures above, just 1 year older! He looked very sickly last year, but this year looks like he doin' just fine!!

Thanks for Lookin'
P.S. This fall, I will be posting LOTS more deer pics. And there will be lots of bucks!!
Also, if you like deer hunting, I might be posting a few pictures of that kind of stuff, to ;)
One more thing----we do not hunt the deer that we feed, they're more like our pets!

It's BAT DOG!!!

This is my very goofy dog, Blazer. He loves to get up on the trampoline with my little sister.

He gets up there, goes right to the middle, flops down on his back and starts "talking" to her

If I get on the trampoline, he thinks that he has to lay with his head against my knee!;)

I took these pictures of Blazer a couple of nights ago.
This is what he starts out looking like:



Wait for it......



Camera Model : Canon Rebel T1I
F-Stop : F/4.5
Exposure time : 1/50sec.
ISO Speed:
Focal Length : 21mm.
White Balance : Auto
Camera Setting : Priority
Zoom Lens Used : 18-55mm.

Thanks for Lookin'

Sunset on the Prairie

Took this picture last night. I love the "Fingers of Light" in this shot!


Camera Model : Canon Rebel T1I
F-Stop : F/11
Exposure Time : 1/250 sec.
ISO Speed : ISO-200
Focal Length : 45mm.
White Balance : Auto
Camera Setting : Priority
Zoom Lens Used : 18-55mm.

Thanks for Lookin'