Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Another Burn on the Prairie

I took these pictures today. The green grass doesn't burn to well, but it does make LOTS of smoke!

Here come the fire trucks......

 Dad's Truck

Here's the best one of the trucks......

Thanx for lookin'

Storms on the Prairie

I took these pictures on the way home this evening.

Most of the storms went west of us, but we did get a little rain.

The sun came out while it was still raining, can ya guess what happened next?

Yep, a big ol' Oklahoma Rainbow!

This is what it looked like when we pulled up to the house....

Thanx for lookin',

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Buffalo Herd on the move

I took these pictures today on the way home from town. The Buffalo seemed to be ether running from something or just trying to get to the creek bottoms before night. They were moving from west to east at a high rate of speed!!

Coming from the west ------>

Going across the road....

Up the hill on the east side of the road ------>

This poor bull--Let's call him George--just couldn't keep up with his girl!

There's no tellin' where this crazy Buffalo's were goin'!!
Thanx for lookin',


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fire Across the Tallgrass Prairie

I took these pictures today of a Controlled Burn.

This is my dad's fire truck(Military 5 ton).

There are 3 fire trucks, along with 2 guys on 4 wheelers(A.T.V.s) who light the fire.

All of the trucks have a water nozzle on the front grill guard that is ran by a switch inside the cab.

Thanks for lookin'
Josie of the Prairie

Saturday, July 4, 2009

My Animals

Here's some pictures of our 3 horses, 2 dogs & miniature donkey.

First comes

He loves to play in the water hose.

Who'd ever thunk it!

Now this one is
Hippie Chick.

Her & Spiderman are never to far from each other.

This is

As you can tell, she's not camera shy at all!

Here's Beauregard our miniature donkey.

Very photogenic.

Now for the dogs....

This is Mick.
He's 1/2 Border Collie and 1/2 Blue Healer.

And this is Blazer.
He is a full blood Weimaraner.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Gone Fishin'

Me and Dad went fishing last Saturday and we saw all kinds of prairie wildlife.
While on our way to the pond we saw a Bob-White Quail setting on the fence. He was just singing his little heart out!

Can you spot the Buffalo in this one?

When we went to the next pond, I spotted some Wild Burgamot blooming along the pond dam.

Here's a close up......

After we got done at this pond, we went back to Wild Hog Creek. Didn't catch anything but I did get a picture of a Mountain Boomer (or Collard Lizard).
Had to take the pic. from across the creek, though.

At the last pond we went to, I snapped this picture of a Widow Skimmer dragonfly posing on a little tree, just for me!

Thanks for looking!
Josie of the Prairie